MiPower® is driven by a robust power system analysis toolbox covering various aspects of power system studies from steady state analysis to stability and security assessment, including reliability and protection.
The toolbox caters to the needs of power system planners and operations engineers. Windows based platform makes it highly interactive and user-friendly. Professionally designed GUI and centralized databases add to the efficacy of the software tool.
- Icons of all power system components.
- Multi-Layering of objects to view, select edit and present the results.
- Multi-level nesting of sub-systems.
- Resizing for individual drawing elements.
- Switching ON/OFF for all power system elements.
- Highlighting of study results lies within a band of minimum, normal and maximum limits.
- Panning to facilitate fast and easy scrolling along X and Y direction.
- Realtime zooming facility for the diagram to any fractions of a zoom level.
- Reduction of the whole drawing to any fraction to fit any paper size.
- GPS Interface

- Enhanced database creation including detailed modeling of power system components.
- Use of advanced techniques for all studies.
- Studies at your fingertips – once database is created accurately any study can be conducted.
- User defined number of contingencies and Schedules.
- Splitting of database into two groups – element information and library information – avoids repetitive entry of power system elements having same parameters.
- Toggling Facility – Database to Network editor, Database to Graph to facilitate easier navigation.

- Multiple X and Y columns can be plotted in the same view
- User defined colour, thickness, symbols and number of symbols on curve, title and font.
- Conversion of graphs to dxf and text formats.
- Harmonic analysis of graphs.
- Mathematical operations on Graphs.
- Pick Drag and drop facility for relay curves.
- Changing the base voltage of the plotted graphs.

- Designed for Simulation and testing of Control Blocks
- Customized Design of Governors, AVR’S, SVC’S, HVDC/FACTS/STATCOM controllers are possible
- Control blocks can be linked with Transient stability for testing the performance of the system.

In this module an option is provided for the user to view the COMTRADE files both in numerical and graphical way.
The COMTRADE viewer reads the .DAT file and .CFG file for the inputs and it displays the samples both in numerical as well as graphical format. The data display offers a high-resolution graphical interface for displaying, analyzing and manipulating analog and digital channels of an oscillography record or a periodic load file. Displayed channels are marked, zoomed, numerically processed and summarized.

Ground Grid Design has been specially developed in compliance with IEEE 80-1986/2000 , IEC TS 60479 and IS 3043-1986, for utility & industry to arrive at an economic & safe design of new grounding grids as also for checking adequacy of existing grids. User-friendly data entry and graphical 2-D plotting make G-GRID software an efficient tool that helps in analyzing earth potentials and enables engineers to choose a technically sound and economical design of grounding grid from a variety of options.
Salient features :
- Design of HV & EHV sub stations.
- Checking adequacy of existing/designed grounding systems
- Provision for both uniform and non-uniform (two Layer : derived from field measurements) soil models
- Calculation of ground potential rise (GPR) , tolerable shock currents based on IEEE or IEC Standards , depth of burial , step – touch – transferred potentials, bill of quantity(BOQ), costing, etc…

AutoCAD Interface is a utility to convert the MiPower® Network to AutoCAD and to plot the results obtained using the MiPower® applications on an existing AutoCAD diagram. By invoking Network option, conversion of MiPower® network to AutoCAD (.dxf file) file can be done. Results option helps the user to plot power system study results obtained from MiPower® on AutoCAD network (.dxf file) which is having the ZZcodes.

ASLG is a utility to generate the single line diagram of the electrical system. Input to ASLG is the MiPower database file for the particular electrical system.
- Easy creation of network after entering the data in the database manager.
- Presenting network in parts.

DC Network Solution is a module to analyze the DC networks. The output of the program is the currents flowing in the network and the voltages at the nodes, which is computed based on the network topology, the resistances of the branches and the source in the network.

Battery sizing is a study function to determine the number of cells and cell size of the battery for a designated duty cycle. The number of cells is determined to satisfy the maximum system voltage during the battery charging period and minimum system voltage during battery discharging period. The number of cells/string is determined to provide sufficient power to the load cycle considering the minimum system voltage and minimum operating temperature. It also considered different factors that affect the battery performance, such as design margin, aging compensation, initial capacity, etc.