Partial List of Technical Papers
- U. J. Shenoy, R. Nagaraja“”Electro Magnetic Transient Analysis: A Boon to Protection Engineers PRDC Newsletter Vol. 7, 2&3, Apr-Sep 2017
- Veerabrahmam Bathini, Sourabh Keshrawani, K.Parthasarathy“” Analyses of Power System Transients Using PowerEMT Module of MiPower® Software PRDC Newsletter Vol. 7, 2&3, Apr-Sep 2017
- Aravind M. N., Ishan Gupta, Nitesh Kumar D. , K.Parthasarthy“” Impedance Relays : Dynamic Performance Evaluation Using PowerEMT PRDC Newsletter Vol. 7, 2&3, Apr-Sep 2017
- Sourabh Keshrawani, Ishan Gupta, Veerabrahmam Bathini, Nitesh Kumar D.“”Evaluating Differential Relay Performance Using PowerEMT PRDC Newsletter Vol. 7, 2&3, Apr-Sep 2017
- Veerabrahmam Bathini, R. Nagaraja, K. Parthasarathy “”Selection of Effective Bus Transfer Schemes and Their Settings through EMTP-Type Simulation Study PRDC Newsletter Vol. 7, 2&3, Apr-Sep 2017
- Sourabh Keshrawani, Nitesh Kumar D. ,Veerabrahmam Bathini“” Simulation of Transformer HIZ-REF Protection Using PowerEMT PRDC Newsletter Vol. 7, 2&3, Apr-Sep 2017
- Rajib Das, Karthik Chandra, Debarati basu“”Losses in Distribution System and it’s Estimation Procedure”” PRDC Newsletter Vol. 6&7, Jan-Mar 2017
- R Nagaraja“”Benchmarking the Technical Loss in the Distribution System Network”” PRDC Newsletter Vol. 6&7, Jan-Mar 2017
- Karthik Chandra, Shashwat, Gheewala, A “”Power System Analysis to Aid Electrical Distribution Business”” PRDC Newsletter Vol. 6&7, Jan-Mar 2017
- Babu Narayanan, MM“Smart Distribution System for Smart City” PRDC Newsletter Vol. 6&7, Jan-Mar 2017
- Nitesh Kumar D and Francis C. Joseph “”Identifying Commissioning Errors by Analysis of Tripping Records”” PRDC Newsletter Vol. 5, Jul-Sep 2016
- Kingsuk Saha, Prasad Arulraj, Ilyas Mohammad and Jyothi Kamath “”Wind Farm Electrical Layout Design Considerations”” PRDC Newsletter Vol. 5, Jul-Sep 2016
- Dinesh J. Kagathi“”Roof Top Solar –Benefits & Economic Aspects”” PRDC Newsletter Vol. 5, Jan-Jun 2016
- K. Balaraman and Rashmi Shekar“”Power System Studies for Renewable Integration”” PRDC Newsletter Vol. 5, Jan-Jun 2016
- Suresh H. Jangamshetti and R Nagaraja“”Towards Sustainable Energy for Academic Campuses”” PRDC Newsletter Vol. 5, Jan-Jun 2016
- Rashmiranjan Rout“Protective distance of surge arrester and its application in substation design”” PRDC Newsletter Vol. 5, Oct-Dec 2015
- Babu Narayan M M, Rakesha H S and R Nagaraja“”A novel method for study of subsynchronous resonance using damping torque analysis”” PRDC Newsletter Vol. 5, Oct-Dec 2015
- Nitesh Kumar D and R Nagaraja“”A Smart and Adaptive Scheme for Generator Out of Step Protection”” IEEE PES ISGT ASIA 2015
- R Nagaraja“”Detailed Case Study to Understand the Concepts of Transient Stability Analysis”” PRDC Newsletter Vol. 5, Sep 2015
- Faraz Zafar Khan“”Low Frequency Oscillations in Power Systems and their Mitigation”” PRDC Newsletter Vol. 5, Sep 2015
- Nitesh Kumar. D and Faraz Zafar Khan“”Enhancing Power System Stability and Control Using Special Protection Systems”” PRDC NewsletterVol. 5, Sep 2015
- Maheedhar Patnala and T. Guru Charan Das“”Stability Studies for Industrial Power Systems”” PRDC Newsletter Vol. 5, Sep 2015
- Srikumar M. S., Dr. T. Ananthapadmanbha and Faraz Zafar Khan“Line Outage Detection Using Phasor Measurement Units” ELSEVIER International Conference on Smart Grid Technologies (ICSGT), August 2015
- Pradeep Surwase, Mayank Nagendran, D. R. Patil and Francis Joseph“Comparative Evaluation of Phasor Estimation and Fault Detection”IEEE International Conference on Power and Advanced Control Engineering (ICPACE) August 2015
- Faraz Zafar Khan. “Comparative Analysis of PMU and DPR data” PRDC Newsletter, Vol. 5, Mar 2015.
- Rashmiranjan Rout. “Evaluation of TRV across Circuit Breaker for Transmission Line Fault Application.” PRDC Newsletter, Vol. 5, Mar 2015.
- Faraz Zafar Khan and R Nagaraja. “A Unique Correlation Function based Technique to Identify Fault and Inrush in Transformer.” International Organization of Scientific Research Journal (IOSR-JEEE)(ICEAT 2014),pp 07-11, 2014.
- Chandra Shekhar Reddy Atla and K Balaraman . “Generation Planning for Interconnected Power Systems with High Wind Penetration Using Probabilistic Methods.” Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2014.
- ArpithaRaju.B R and C Vyjayanthi. “Optimal Placement of FACTS Devices for Voltage Stability Enhancement in a Typical Power System.” in Proc. Electronics and Computer science (ICEECS), 2014.
- C Vyjayanthi and ArpithaRaju. B R. “Optimal Placement of Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor in a Typical Power System” in Proc. Wireless Control and Communication Technologies (NCWCT – 2014), 2014.
- MJ Chandrashekar, Faraz Zafar Khan, Diwakar B, Ponnanna DP, Rakshit B and Sagar D. “Detection of Line Switching using Phasor Measurement Units”. In Proc. National Conference on Electrical & Electronics Engg.(NCE3-2014), 2014.
- Aditya Patil, Veerabrahmam Bathini, Chandrasekhar Reddy Atla and K Balaraman . “Dynamic Compensation for a Wind Farm based on the Critical Slip and Critical Voltage”. NPSC (Communicated),2014
- PruthaKhanzode, AmanGulati, BhushanPuri, C. Vyjayanthi and S. PrabhakarKarthikeyan. “Harmonic Analysis using Recursive DFT and Filter Design for a Wind Power Plant”. NPSC(Communicated),2014
- P.Mukhopadhyay, R Nagaraja, Rajkumar Anumasula, Faraz Z. Khan, Chandan Kumar and Nitesh Kumar D. “DA Tool- Synchrophasor Data based Fault Analysis.”. in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, 2014.
- Nitesh Kumar D, R Nagaraja, H P Khincha. “A Comprehensive Protection Scheme for Generator Loss of Excitation. ” NPSC (Communicated), 2014
- Faraz Zafar Khan, Francis Joseph and Mayank Nagendran. “Automated Fault Analysis System”. PRDC Newsletter, Vol. 4, Jun 2014.
- Faraz Zafar Khan, Nitesh Kumar D. “An Interactive Tool for Design and Analysis of Protection System – A Concept”. PRDC Newsletter, Vol. 4, Jun 2014.
- Veerabrahmam Bathini. “Electromagnetic Transient Modeling of Power System Components for Relay Testing”. PRDC Newsletter, Vol. 4, Jun 2014.
- Somnath Guha, KR Satheesh, Madhusoodana K & BS Kavyashree. “Numerical Relay development environment.” PRDC Newsletter, Vol. 4, Jun 2014.
- Veena RJ. “Protection management System.”” PRDC Newsletter, Vol. 4, Jun 2014.
- Faraz Zafar Khan, R Nagaraja and H. P. Khincha. “ Improved Fault Location Computation using Prony Analysis for Short Duration Fault”, in Proc. National Power System Conference (NPSC), 2014.
- Faraz Zafar Khan, Sudeep Mohan and R Nagaraja. “Monitoring Low Frequency Oscillation Using PMU.” in Proc. National Conference on Recent Developments in Control Automation and Power Engineering, 2013.
- G. Raghhavendra, Faraz Zafar Khan, R Nagaraja and H. P. Khincha. “Supervised Tripping and Blocking of Distance Relays”, CPRI Journal, 2013.
- Faraz Zafar Khan, G. Raghhavendra, R Nagaraja and H. P. Khincha. “Enhanced Transmission Line Protection Using PMUs”, in Proc. 4thInternational Exhibition and Conference (GRIDTECH 2013), 2013.
- Faraz Zafar Khan, Veerabrahmam Bathini and R Nagaraja. “Effect of CT and CVT Characteristics on Distance relaying” in Proc. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical, Electronics and Communication Technologies-ICECIT, 2012.
- Faraz Zafar Khan, G. Raghhavendra and K. Madhusoodana. “An Overview of Automated Fault Analysis System for Transmission Network.” in Proc. National Power System Conference (NPSC), 2012.
- Faraz Zafar Khan. “A simple approach for optimal voltage regulator placement in radial distribution network” in Proc. Conference on Metering India by Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers Association (IEEMA), 2011.