We at PRDC® have been interacting with Power Engineers of Utility, Industry and also academicians. We are of the opinion that Power engineers working and maintaining the power system of different organizations need some basic input to make them more knowledge based and thus increasing their efficiency and effectiveness. Years of experience have helped us in designing courses for Power Engineers at various levels & also duration of the courses to suit the requirement of the participants. The course content is appropriately drafted for engineers who have more than two years experience and also in the field of Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Protection, Relay coordination, planning of new and/or expansion of existing system etc.
The course also educates the new recruits by providing both practical and theoretical exposure. The course content is designed to hold immediate relevance to working engineers. It is very essential that the trainee receive optimum input in such deeper subjects. Each trainee will be provided with a PC for entire training period for specific courses to provide training and hands on experience simultaneously on world class simulation and analysis software – MiPower®.

Why system knowledge is important
In electrical system, the currents and voltages are not visible to human eye and other sense organs. Because of Current and Voltages, electrostatic and electromagnetic forces are working, which are giving service to user. Each equipment can be subjected to a limited force hence protection devices are provided to isolate the equipment from the system whenever there is a possibility of exceeding these limiting forces.
However, whenever fault develops in any or combination of equipments of generation, transmission, distribution and utilization, there is sudden disturbance of these forces resulting in an inrush of currents &voltages build up in micro seconds which may result in Fire in Generators and damage of many power plants equipment.
- Transformer windings may get deformed and burnt
- The forces may be so high that circuit breakers may implode, Insulators may shatter, the equipment like CT’s and CVT’s /PT’s may explode, conductors may snap and entire substation may be on fire.
- Utilization equipment like Motors, Power Capacitors, and Power Electronic Equipment may get damaged.
- Every equipment connected with power supply is susceptible for damage depending on the nature of fault and working of its isolation
- Effects on other running equipment whenever a load is suddenly added or thrown off in the system.
- Harmonic Voltages & Currents affecting the system components and their control.
It is very essential that we know the above mentioned behaviour of the system well in advance so that corrective measures can be planned and implemented accordingly. This requires a holistic approach and cannot be studied on case-to-case basis because systems are inter-connected electrically and any abnormality in one section affects the system and equipment in the other sections.
This is the reason why system study shall be done to take care of impending problems and this study shall be repeated as and when some major changes are contemplated in the system.
In electrical systems, finding reasons is knowledge based, analytical, time consuming and tedious. Timely decision makes the implementation easier.
The proper system study and decisions implemented based on such analysis and recommendations save the company a lot of trouble, which might have been catastrophic for the organization.
Why system knowledge is important
Currently there is no specific computer aided training centers in India, with a clear focus in the areas specified in this information booklet. Generally most practicing electrical engineers obtain a basic graduate or postgraduate degree from an academic institution and join to serve in public or private electric utilities and Industry.
Academic institutions teach the basics of power system planning, operation, control and protection in a very fundamental way using utmost a small text book system example that are amenable to hand calculations and illustration. Such methods are inadequate, in the sense that these methods are limited, fundamental and are not easily extensible to real life practical systems. In addition, utility engineers rarely keep themselves abreast with the latest development and practices in these areas.
Thus there is a need to bridge the gap between the proficiency level of Power System engineers and the current state-of-the art technology practised globally. The proposed training course is designed to fill in such a gap and is aimed to enhance proficiency, productivity and quality levels of the practising utility engineers.

Four Weeks Training Program
The proposed training offers specialized and practically relevant computer aided training in the area of power system planning, operation & control and protection.
The training course is designed to impart practical state-of-the-art computer aided techniques adopted in the industry for planning, operation, control and protection of Electric utility (Generation, Transmission, and Distribution) systems and industrial systems. The state-of-the-art techniques will be utilized to train the aspiring participant, taking examples of actual public and private electric utilities and industrial plants. Such training is expected to improve the proficiency level and competence of the personnel involved.
The four dimensions of the training covers:
- Power System Planning
- Power System Operation
- Power System Control
- Power System Protection
The courses offered in the training program are :
- Mathematical modeling of power system components and network
- Load flow studies, Optimal power flow studies, static security assessment and improvement
- Balanced and unbalanced short circuit studies based on IEEE, IEC and G74 standards
- Voltage Stability Studies
- Transient Stability Studies
- Distribution System in Industry.
- Dynamic Stability / Small Signal stability Studies
- Power system protection: protection of generators, motors, transformers, cables, and transmission lines.
- Transient studies using ETA.
- Reliability evaluation of practical Composite power systems
- Harmonic analysis & Filter Design
- Real-Time control: Energy management concepts
- General Power System Engineering Topics.
The training methodology envisaged illustrates the concepts involved in the above areas through practical consideration of actual real-life problems. The following four phases of training are built in the training program.
Phase 1 : Explanation of concepts by experts in area using video projectors
Phase 2 : Computer aided case studies based on practical systems that illustrate the concepts explained in Phase 1.
Phase 3 : Solve your system problem, where the trainee’s try to apply the skills learnt in first two phases to their own systems with guidance from the trainers.
Phase 4 : Summarize what you learnt. In this phase the trainees will prepare a document detailing their activities in first three phases.
Finally the trainees will undergo a comprehensive test and present a seminar paper on the problems solved in their system using skills acquired in the training course.
Static, transient and dynamic models: Elements of transmission, distribution networks and generation system: Phasor Notation: Symmetrical components transformation; Per unit system; (Network admittance and impedance matrices) Overhead transmission line representation; Transformer representation; Synchronous machine representation; Representation of cables: Induction motor representation: Types of loads and their representation: Representation of HVDC links and SVCs: Representation of controls such as AVR, Prime Mover Governor, PSS, SVC, HVDC controls. Representation of relays, CT, saturation, outages and other disturbances and CVT.
Symmetrical component transformations: Sequence networks: Zero sequence network of transformers with different winding configurations: Thevenin’s theorem: Principle of superposition: Calculation of z bus elements: Modeling generator, motor and loads for short circuit calculations: Short circuit calculations for single/balanced or unbalanced faults: Selection of Circuit breakers: Power system grounding practice: Fault calculations based on IEEE, IEC and G74 standards. Case studies using software tools.
Incidents of voltage collapse and factors leading to them: Solutions adopted by utilities to avoid such incidents: Methods of detecting, evaluating static voltage stability by means of
indices: The PV curves: Minimum singular
values: L indices: C indices: Case studies using software tools.
Definition : Application to multimachine system with controllers: Modeling of SVCs, Induction motors, HVDC links, under frequency relays, Distance relays etc. Application to the following studies
Determination of critical clearing time for different fault locations
• Examination of stability for different types of single or multiple disturbances such as faults, load rejection/recovery, motor starting, line/transformer switching, loss of generation
• Designing under frequency and undervoltage based load shedding schemes
• Study of load rejection, dynamic over voltage phenomenon.
• Outage of HVDC links and stability assessment.
Concepts and application areas: Concept of damping and synchronizing torque: Component modeling such as generator, motor, AVR, Prime mover-Governor: Application of PSS(Power system stabilizer): PSS tuning and its effect on dynamic and transient stability of the system: Effect of system loading, transmission strength, excitation system parameters, PSS etc. Case studies using software tools.
The load flow problem statement
Concept of slack bus: Gauss or Gauss-siedel iteration using Y bus: Newton-Raphson and fast decoupled load flow: Comparison between algorithms; Adjustment of network operating conditions: Operational power flow program organization and description. Data collection for the load flow analysis. Optimal power flow problem and solution methods: Description of specific OPF formulation: Static security assessment: Contingency ranking and evaluation: Description of specific algorithms: Case studies using software tools.
Voltage Stability Analysis
Incidents of voltage collapse and factors leading to them: Solutions adopted by utilities to avoid such incidents: Methods of detecting, evaluating static voltage stability by means of indices: The PV curves: Minimum singular values: L indices: C indices: Case studies using software tools.
Transient Stability Studies
Application to multimachine system with controllers: Modeling of SVCs, Induction motors, HVDC links, under frequency relays, Distance relays etc. Application to the following studies
Determination of critical clearing time for different fault locations : Examination of stability for different types of single or multiple disturbances such as faults, load rejection/recovery, motor starting, line/transformer switching, loss of generation; Designing under frequency and undervoltage based load shedding schemes;Study of load rejection, dynamic over voltage phenomenon;Outage of HVDC links and stability assessment.
Dynamic Stability Studies
Concepts and application areas: Concept of damping and synchronizing torque: Component modeling such as generator, motor, AVR, Prime mover-Governor: Application of PSS(Power system stabilizer): PSS tuning and its effect on dynamic and transient stability of the system: Effect of system loading, transmission strength, excitation system parameters, PSS etc. Case studies using software tools.
Power System Protection
Current Transformer: Introduction: Current Transformer error, CT winding arrangements: Secondary winding impedance, Secondary current rating, Open circuit secondary voltage, transient response, Harmonics, Test windings.
Potential transformer: Errors, secondary load protection, Transient performance, CVT, CVT transients, Ferro resonance, Cascade voltage transformers
Distribution: Feeder protection: Introduction, principles of time-current grading: IDMT overcurrent relays: Inverse overcurrent relays: Extremely inverse and voltage controlled over current relays: Directional overcurrent relays: Unit protection, Primary and backup relays and their grading.
Transformer protection: Inrush phenomenon, Internal faults, External system faults, Surge protection, Overcurrent protection, Circulating current protection, Differential protection with harmonic restraint, Duo-Bias differential transformer protection, Gas and oil actuated (Buchholz) relay, Numerical / micro controller based relays.
Line protection
Introduction, Relaying quantities, Switched and non-switched distance relays, directional wave detect relay, Impedance relays, Auto reclosing, Single pole opening, Pilot relaying schemes, Power swing phenomenon, Out of step tripping & blocking relays.
Generator protection
Introduction, Aspects of Generator protection, Internal faults, Abnormal conditions, Generator earthing, Stator-ground fault protection, Impact of faulty synchronization and slow clearance of closeup 3 phase faults, Generator differential protection, Generator backup impedance relay, Interlock overcurrent relay, Reverse power relay, Over voltage relay (Alarm & trip), Generator overall differential protection, Generator transformer overfluxing relay detection, Line backup impedance relay, Outof- step operation of generators, Generator pole slipping relay, Generator loss of excitation, Generator negative sequence current, Generator under-frequency, Rotor earth fault protection, Protection against inadvertent energisation.
Busbar protection
Introduction, Busbar faults, Causes of bus faults, Protection requirements, Effect of CT saturation, Stability with saturated CT’s, Circulating current busbar protection stabilizing on an external fault.Circulating current busbar protection operating on an internal fault, Circulating current protection for double busbars, Circulating current duplicate line of defense busbar protection.
Transients Studies
Introduction, Solution methodology, modeling power system components, Network representation, Branches, Switches, Sources,Linear elements, Non-linear elements, time varying elements, solution with compensation methods, Time controlled switch, Voltage dependent switch, Piecewise linear resistance or surge arrester, Piecewise linear inductance,Voltage and Current sources, Current controlled DC voltage source, Initial conditions, Transformer representation, Saturation effects, Switching surges, Fault transients, Dynamic overvoltages, Ferro resonance etc. Case studies using software tools.
Distribution System Analysis &Improvement
Associated problems and considerations Case studies using software tools.
Reliability Studies of Composite Power Systems
Basic probability and statistics. Load point indices calculation and evaluation of reliability in conjunction with optimal power flows. Case studies using software tools.
Harmonic Analysis & Filter Design
Sources of harmonics and their effect on system operation. Harmonic distortion factors & IEEE standards. Series and parallel resonance impedance plots. Types of filters, filter capacitor sizing. Evaluation of filter performance. Case studies using software tools.
Real-Time Control
Energy Management Concepts Central operation and control of power systems, Energy control center functions and organization, Digital computer organization. SCADA functions and implementation. Remote Terminal Units, MMI, communication, database design, report generation, event logging.
EMS functions. Automatic Generation Control (AGC), Operation without AGC, Parallel operation of generators.
Current Transformer: Introduction: Current Transformer error, CT winding arrangements: Secondary winding impedance, Secondary current rating, Open circuit secondary voltage, transient response, Harmonics, Test windings.
Potential transformer: Errors, secondary load protection, Transient performance, CVT, CVT transients, Ferro resonance, Cascade voltage transformers.
Distribution: Feeder protection: Introduction, principles of time-current grading: IDMT overcurrent relays: Inverse overcurrent relays: Extremely inverse and voltage controlled over current relays: Directional overcurrent relays: Unit protection, Primary and backup relays and their grading.
Transformer protection: Inrush phenomenon, Internal faults, External system faults, Surge protection, Overcurrent protection, Circulating current protection, Differential protection with harmonic restraint, Duo-Bias differential
transformer protection, Gas and oil actuated (Buchholz) relay, Numerical / micro controller based relays.
Introduction, Relaying quantities, Switched and non-switched distance relays, directional wave detect relay, Impedance relays, Auto re closing, Single pole opening, Pilot relaying schemes, Power swing phenomenon, Out of step tripping & blocking relays.
Introduction, Aspects of Generator protection, Internal faults, Abnormal conditions, Generator earthing, Stator-ground fault protection, Impact of faulty synchronization and slow clearance of closeup 3 phase faults, Generator differential protection, Generator backup impedance relay, Interlock overcurrent relay, Reverse power relay, Over voltage relay (Alarm & trip), Generator overall differential protection, Generator transformer overfluxing relay detection, Line backup impedance relay, Outof- step operation of generators, Generator pole slipping relay, Generator loss of excitation, Generator negative sequence current, Generator under-frequency, Rotor earth fault protection, Protection against inadvertent energisation.
Introduction, Busbar faults, Causes of bus faults, Protection requirements, Effect of CT saturation, Stability with saturated CT’s, Circulating current busbar protection stabilizing on an external fault.
Circulating current busbar protection operating on an internal fault, Circulating current protection for double busbars, Circulating current duplicate line of defense busbar protection.
Introduction, Solution methodology, modeling power system components, Network representation, Branches, Switches, Sources,Linear elements, Non-linear elements, time varying elements, solution with compensation methods, Time controlled switch, Voltage dependent switch, Piecewise linear resistance or surge arrester, Piecewise linear inductance,Voltage and Current sources, Current controlled DC voltage source, Initial conditions, Transformer representation, Saturation effects, Switching surges, Fault transients, Dynamic overvoltages, Ferro resonance etc. Case studies using software tools.
Associated problems and considerations Case studies using software tools.
Basic probability and statistics. Load point indices calculation and evaluation of reliability in conjunction with optimal power flows. Case studies using software tools.
Sources of harmonics and their effect on system operation. Harmonic distortion factors & IEEE standards. Series and parallel resonance impedance plots. Types of filters, filter capacitor sizing. Evaluation of filter performance. Case studies using software tools.
Energy Management Concepts Central operation and control of power systems, Energy control center functions and organization, Digital computer organization. SCADA functions and implementation. Remote Terminal Units, MMI, communication, database design, report generation, event logging.
EMS functions. Automatic Generation Control (AGC), Operation without AGC, Parallel operation of generators.

Two Weeks Training Programme
The proposed training offers specialized and practically relevant computer state-of-the-art software aided training in the area of power system planning, operation, control & protection.
The training course is designed to impart practical state of art computer aided techniques adopted in the industry for planning, operation, control and protection of Electrical utility generation, transmission, and distribution systems, including industrial systems. The state of art techniques will be imparted to the aspiring trainee, taking examples of actual public and private electric utilities and Industrial Plants. Such training is expected to improve the proficiency and efficiency of the personnel involved in the areas mentioned above.
The course is specifically designed for personnel, from companies involved in power transmission and distribution. The following courses are offered.
• Power system protection
• Distribution system engineering and energy audit
• Power system planning, operation and control
• Power system planning, operation and control
The training methodology envisaged illustrates the concepts involved in the above areas through practical consideration of actual real-life problems. The following four phases of training are built in the training program.
Phase 1 : Explanation of concepts by experts in area using video projectors
Phase 2 : Computer aided case studies based on practical systems that illustrate the concepts explained in Phase 1.
Phase 3 : Solve your system problem, where the trainee’s try to apply the skills learnt in first two phases to their own systems with guidance from the trainers.
Phase 4 : Summarize what you learnt. In this phase the trainees will prepare a document detailing their activities in first three phases.
Symmetrical component transformations, Sequence networks, Zero sequence network of transformers with different winding configurations. Thevenin’s theorem. Principle of superposition. Calculation of z bus elements. Modeling generator, motor and loads for short circuit calculations. Short circuit calculations for single/balanced or unbalanced faults. Selection of Circuit breakers, Power system grounding practice, Ungrounded and effectively grounded systems, Fault calculations, Case studies using software tools.
Introduction, Error, CT winding arrangements, Secondary winding impedance, Secondary current rating, Open circuit secondary voltage, transient response, Harmonics, Test windings.
Errors, secondary loads protection, Transient performance, CVT, CVT transients, Ferro resonance, Cascade voltage transformers
Introduction, principles of time current grading, IDMT overcurrent relays, Inverse overcurrent relays, Extremely inverse and voltage controlled over current relays, Directional over current relays, Unit protection, Primary and backup relays and their grading.
Inrush phenomenon, Internal faults, External system faults, Surge protection, Over current protection, Circulating current protection, Differential protection with harmonic restraint, Duo-Bias differential transformer protection, Gas and oil actuated (Buchholz) relay, Numerical relays .
Introduction, Relaying quantities, Switched and non-switched distance relays, directional wave detect relay, Impedance relays, Auto re closing, Single pole opening, Pilot relaying schemes, Power swing phenomenon, Out-of-step tripping & blocking relays.
Introduction, Aspects Generator protection, Internal faults, Abnormal conditions, Generator earthing, Stator-ground fault protection, Impact of faulty synchronization and slow clearance of close-up 3 phase faults, Generator differential protection, Generator backup impedance relay, Interlock over current relay, Reverse power relay, Over voltage relay (Alarm & trip), Generator overall differential protection, Generator transformer over fluxing relay detection, Line backup impedance relay, Out-of- step operation of generators, Generator pole slipping relay, Generator loss of excitation, Generator negative sequence current, Generator under-frequency, Rotor earth fault protection, Protection against inadvertent energisation.
Introduction, Busbar faults, Causes of bus faults, Protection requirements, Effect of CT saturation, Stability with saturated CT’s, Circulating current busbar protection stabilizing on an external fault, Circulating current busbar protection operating on an internal fault, Circulating current protection for double busbars, Circulating current duplicate line of defense busbar protection. Switching transients, overvoltage and lightning protection, relay calibration and testing procedure
Modeling of distribution system equipment, distribution system planning and automation, load -forecasting and load characteristics, sub-transmission system design, primary and secondary distribution system design and analysis, voltage control and regulation, distribution system protection, reliability calculation in distribution system, distribution system transformer application, energy audit and technical loss assessment for 33 kV, 11 kV and 415 V system, unbalanced system analysis, 3 phase 4 wire system analysis, geographical information system, use of GPS and differential GPS.
Static, transient and dynamic model of power system equipment, Load flow analysis: Solution methods, practical considerations, optimal power flow problem, Transient stability study: Determination of critical clearing time for different fault locations, Examination of stability for different types of single or multiple disturbances such as faults, load rejection/recovery, motor starting, line/transformer switching, loss of generation, designing under-frequency and under-voltage based load shedding schemes, grid islanding.
Concepts and application areas, PSS tuning and its effect on dynamic and transient stability of the system.
Voltage Instability study
Incidents of voltage collapse and factors leading to them. Solutions adopted by utilities to avoid such incidents. Methods of detecting, evaluating static voltage stability by means of indices.
Short-term, medium-term and long-term, SCADA and EMS: Hardware and software subsystems.
Power quality in terms of voltage, frequency, harmonics and unbalance, Voltage drop calculation for transmission, distribution and industrial feeders, KM-KVA concept and voltage regulation, Voltage control using excitation control, transformer tap control, shunt capacitor and reactor control, series compensation, Frequency control schemes Primary and secondary control, governor model, automatic generation control, prime mover response and governor model, under frequency load shedding schemes, Frequency and voltage dependency of loads, dynamic models of loads and induction motors, Motor starting, rolling mill and arc-furnace load representation and flicker computations, Unbalance operation – traction and distribution system un-balance system analysis, negative sequence current, Power system harmonics – harmonic problem, harmonic levels, harmonic measurement and control, filter design.

Short Term Training / Workshop
In addition to the above said programme PRDC® is also conducting Short Term Training Programme and Workshops to impart Knowledge and practical approach on specific topics, which are of relevance to power engineers in day-to-day works. Such training not only enhances their knowledge but also helps to implement in their regular routine works.
The course contents and duration the courses are as listed below
Introduction to Power System Analysis Tools
Duration : 5 days
Course Outline :
Load Flow analysis
Introduction to MiPower® software suite, Need for load flow analysis, modeling of power system, Per unit Calculation, Different techniques for load flow analysis, Reactive power optimization, Contingency Analysis, Economic Scheduling, Practical Consideration of load flow analysis, Case studies & application of MiPower®.
Short Circuit Studies
Need for Short Circuit Study, Symmetrical faults, Asymmetrical Faults, Fault Currents and MVA levels computation Case studies & application of MiPower®.
Transient Stability Study
Steady State Stability, Behavior of machine for different faults, Swing equation, Synchronous machine models, modeling of cyclic loads,excitation system, speed governors
Factors affecting Load forecasting, Forecasting Methods, Techniques, Consumer Categories.
Harmonic Analysis: Harmonics within the power system, Interference with telecommunication, Linear Harmonic.
Measurement, Elimination of Harmonic, Filter Design.
Relay Co-ordination
Protective relaying, Need for Protection, General Philosophy, Types of Relays, Protection Schemes, Computer Applications, Overcurrent and Earth Relay Coordination, Distance relay protection.
Duration : 3 days
Course Outline : ABC of ABT, Evolution of ABT, Intra state ABT and inter-state ABT , Modeling primary and secondary control , Legal Framework and Issues, Special Energy Meters for ABT regime, ABT operation for Distribution companies such as load-forecasting scheduling, typical case study.
Duration : 3 days
Course Outline : Modeling of Power Stations, Substation Layout, Load Dispatch Centers, Power System Operation ,Power System Control ,Load Management ,Computers & Microprocessors Computer Oriented Power System Power Line Carrier Communication
Duration : 3 days
Course Outline : Protection philosophy, CTs and PTs, Generator Protection Transformer Protection, Bus and LBB Protection, Distance Protection, Feeder Protection – Unit schemes Substation Earthling Distribution Protection, Protection against Over-voltages, Numerical Relays.
Duration : 3 days
Course Outline : Protective relaying, Need for Protection, General Philosophy, Types of Relays, Protection Schemes, Computer Applications, Overcurrent and Earth Relay Coordination, Distance relay protection.
Duration : 2 days
Course Outline : Introduction, Concept of Distribution loss, Energy Audit and Energy Accounting in Distribution system, computation ATC loss, Emerging Technologies for distribution loss reduction, Best Practices to be adapted for reduction of Technical and Commercial loss, Distribution Investment Planning, Analysis of benefit-to-cost ratio, Case studies.
Duration : 2 days
Course Outline : Introduction- RLA, Objectives and methods, Testing procedures, RLA of Power transformer, RLA of instrument transformers, RLA of Power cables, RLA of switch gears, RLA of circuit breakers, testing and calibration of sub-station meters.
Duration : 3 days
Course Outline : Need, philosophy, Operational issues, maintenance & condition monitoring of Power transformers, circuit breakers relays, surge arresters station batteries, testing instruments, safety devices, visual checks,condition monitoring techniques of different equipment etc,
Duration : 3 days
Course Outline : Introduction, to Circuit breakers, constructional details of different types and makes of circuit breakers, like air.
Duration : 3 days
Course Outline : Voltage stress in power system, Temporary overvoltage, switching and lightning surges, design & function of lightening arrestor, Insulation co-ordination, relevant standards, practical examples.
Duration : 2 days
Course Outline : Reactive power balance in power system, control of reactive power flow, reactive power compensation, active & passive compensators, advance reactive power compensation techniques, Installation of capacitors, location & size of capacitors, use of fixed or switched or continuously controlled compensation devices blast CB,MOCB,VCBs.SF6 breakers etc. Arc formation , Arc quenching, Insulating oil, sampling and testing procedures, oil filtration, Transformer maintenance procedures.
Duration : 3 days
Course Outline : SCADA Specification, Implementation, operation and maintenance, MTU, RTUs, SCADA Applications, Energy Management Systems Functions for monitoring, Assessment and Control.
Duration : 3 days
Course Outline : Economics of power system, understanding the principle of power system, power economics in restructured Electricity industry, open access, definition, regulation concerning with open access, available transfer capability, Issues in open access.
Duration : 3 days
Course Outline : Fault calculations, basics of system grounding, concepts & method of earthing, issue in earthing sub-station equipment, ground grid resistance, measurements, effects of grounding resistance, ground grid design, practical examples.
Duration : 3 days
Course Outline : Introduction EA 2003 at a glance, main features of EA 2003, National Electricity policy, National tariff policy, CEA constitution and functioning of CEA, CEA regulations concerning to EA 2003, focus on distribution system, Challenges and issues.
Duration : 2 days
Course Outline : Introduction, Instrument Transformers in sub-stations, technical requirements, CTs, PTs, Current/voltage transformers, Terminologies used, specifications, selection of instrument transformers, Standards, Tests Voltage drop calculation for transmission, distribution and industrial feeders, KM-KVA concept and voltage regulation, Voltage control using excitation control, transformer tap control, shunt capacitor and reactor control, series compensation, Frequency control schemes Primary and secondary control, governor model, automatic generation control, prime mover response and governor model, under frequency load shedding schemes, Frequency and voltage dependency of loads, dynamic models of loads and induction motors, Motor starting, rolling mill and arc furnace load representation and flicker computations, Unbalance operation – traction and distribution system un-balanced system analysis, negative sequence current, Power system harmonics – harmonic problem, harmonic levels, harmonic measurement.
Duration : 3 days
Course Outline : Internal faults, External system faults, Surge protection, Over-current protection, Circulating current protection, Differential protection with harmonic restraint, Duo-Bias differential transformer protection, Gas and oil actuated (Buchholz) relay, Numerical relays., Generator Protection- Latest trends and developments in Generator Protection (Basic concepts of generator protections-Numerical Relays), Generator Protection Systems, different types of protection systems/schemes used for generator.
Duration : 2 days
Course Outline : GI S model overview – Technology and Trends in GIS, Building GIS database, GIS application to Transmission system, IS application to distribution system, GIS application to customer service, case studies, Open GIS standards, Need for customized GIS package integrated with Power system analysis capabilities.
Duration : 3 days
Course Outline : Power quality in terms of voltage, frequency, harmonics and unbalance.
Duration : 3 days
Course Outline : Modelling of distribution system equipment, distribution system planning, load -forecasting and load characteristics, sub transmission system design, primary and secondary distribution system design and analysis, voltage control and regulation, distribution system protection, reliability calculation in distribution system,distribution system transformer application, energy audit and technical loss assessment for 33 kV, 11 kV and 415 V system,unbalanced system analysis, role of geographical information system, GPS/DGPS Survey, Automated single line diagram generation.
Duration : 2 days
Course Outline : Energy management, Energy accounting, Energy audit & conservation, energy recovery co-generation & economics R&M of power plants & equipment, plant life Technology up gradation, economic consideration of energy management, non conventional energy resources & utilization.
Duration : 3 days
Course Outline : Generators, types of excitation, loading of generators, performance of generators, synchronization, generators trouble shooting, generator maintenance, types of generators and their applications, types of winding & insulation, selection of motors for various applications, bearing type, application & maintenance, performance & testing, impregnation curing of winding.
Duration : 2 days
Course Outline : State of art of transformer oil, manufacture, quality control, significance and importance of oil parameters, maintenance of transformer oil, condition monitoring of transformer through DGA and Furan analysis, Mixing of oil, conditioning and reclamation of oil.
Duration : 2 days
Course Outline : Layout of substations and safety clearances, Specification for substation equipment, installation of transformers, installation of switchgear, testing of transformers and switchgear, commissioning of transformers and switchgear, Installation, testing and commissioning of batteries, protection, earthing and power & telecommunication coordination.
Duration : 2 days
Course Outline : Condition monitoring of transformers through liquid insulation, Condition monitoring of transformers through solid insulation, Condition monitoring of Switchgear, Condition monitoring of surge arrestors, Condition monitoring of motor and generators.
Past Training's conducted
- MiPower® Ver. 9.1 – Power System Analysis on 4-5.4.2016 at JNTU, Kakinada
- MiPower® workshop conducted on 5.1.2015 to 7.1.2015 at VNR, Hyderabad.
- MiPower® workshop conducted on 2.2.2015 to 6.2.2015 at FEA, Fiji, Suva.
- MiPower® workshop conducted on 20.3.2015 at JNTU, Hyderabad.
- MiPower® workshop conducted on 18.4.2015 at VRSE, Vijayawada.
- MiPower® workshop conducted on 8.5.2015 at Techno India, Kolkata.
- MiPower® workshop conducted on 8.6.2015 to 9.6.2015at Kalasalingam, Tamil Nadu.
- MiPower® workshop conducted on 07-08-2015 at Tirupathi for JNTU Ananthpur
- MiPower® training conducted on 7th to 11th September 2015 at PRDC Bangalore for DGPC Bhutan engineers
- Advanced Power System Applications workshop conducted on 21.9.2015 to 23.9.2015at TKR, Hyderabad.
- MiPower® workshop conducted on 22-09-2015 for JNTU Ananthpur at Ananthpur
- MiPower® workshop conducted on 15th to 17th October 2015 at Sri Guru Gobind Singh Institute of Engineering &Technology, Nanded, Maharashtra.
Past Training's conducted
The training facilities provided are excellent and are very apt for effective learning.
- We had never been exposed the basics earlier, based upon which the different behaviours experienced earlier can be explained.
- Training associated with MiPower® software has given the confidence that proper analysis based decisions can be taken.
- PRDC® can also be approached for any power system related solution.
For other Short term and Special Training’s please contact our marketing team.