Mrs. Debarati Basu
Executive Director, Kolkata Branch Office
Mrs. Debarati Basu is a Technology and Management Professional in Power Sector with over 29years’ of experience, with verifiable contribution towards Reforms, expansion, modernization and automation of Transmission & Distribution System in the country’s oldest Power Sector Utility her erstwhile organization. She has worked as a strategic planner with expertise in analyzing existing systems procedures & techno-commercial feasibility of EH, HV and LV T&D system covering analysis.
She has exposure of working in various software applications in Power System like Power System Analysis and Studies, GIS, SCADA, ERP- Oracle (APPS). She is a keen analyst with exceptional team building, relationship management & negotiation Skills. She has proven her abilities in liaising with Government Bodies and currently she heads the execution of the RAPDRP projects across 14 states and is working in several PSS projects in the Eastern Region.
Mr. M Range Gowda
Chief Technology Officer, Software
Mr. Range Gowda, heads the software development division of PRDC and is an expert Software Technical Architect at the core. He is a core member of the top management group of PRDC. Mr. Gowda has 27+ years of industry experience spanning entire life cycle of software development. Besides admirable professional track record, he is honed with stupendous academic excellence having secured a Gold Medal in Master of technology in Power Systems. Mr. Range Gowda is a specialist in enterprise software solutions architect backed with deep knowledge in electrical power system which is the al-ma mater of this position in the company.
Mr. Range Gowda acumen to tailor enterprise solution to counter industry’s pain point is the key trait that propels the software and business development team. Mr. Gowda spearheads the software development department with meticulous project management and customer relationship management skills.
He has lead project teams and managed multiple clients’, accounts on diversified projects from, software firmware and automation systems. Driven through all stages of project life cycle, starting from enquiry, creating, concept realization, design, development, installation, manual, documentation and end-user training for product and solutions.
He has vast experience working in India & USA and his expertise areas includes,
- Architecting the software to identify the software components required to meet the client needs.
- Design software components using software design patterns
- Identifying the Architecture framework suitable for interfacing the components by POC.
- Automated custom report generation, export report contents to pdf and other formats.
- Packaging the resources in to deployable DLL, JAR, WAR, ZIP
- End User Training
- Team building and mentoring activities.
Under his leadership and guidance, he inculcates the following to the team like,
- Architecture, Framework library, Design patterns and Quality standards.
- Estimation, Development process management and Quality
- Build Desktop, WEB, Mobile solution as applications, library, services
- Build REST API Services using Java, C#, Python
- Build JSON containers to exchange the data between Services
- Build JSP, Swing, Bootstrap, Spring based UI / UX screens for tool and applications
- Build Javascript/JQuery library for user input validation for required fields
- Maintain the third party product developed and supplied, with add-on functions and bug fixing.
- Produce requirements document, design document, release notes based on customer needs.
- Tracking/Guiding the team members with the functionality/implementation issues
- Providing technical solutions to the problems facing during the implementation, testing, deployment, FAT, SAT and production environment.
- Measuring and Tuning application components performance
- Preparation of Install shield for the component, application, library
- Analyze and isolate the production problems and provide solutions
Range Gowda, as a Technical architect has an enriched experience in,
- DESKTOP, CLIENT, SERVER, WEB, MOBILE, SERVICES, REST API solution as applications, library, services
- PMU Based Solution
- GIS based consumer indexing and distribution network analysis software
- Involved in management, architecture, design, development, testing & deployment.
- User resource management tool
- Network management GUI
- AT&T front office – customer solution manager
- IDAT- Intelligent data analysis tool
- Mini SCADA and EMS.
- MiPower
- Power system libraries.
Mrs. Veena R.J
General Manager, Software Products
Mrs. Veena R.J, with over 18 years of industry experience is one among the top senior members when it comes to technical stream who also heads the development of company’s flagship product development team, has completed her Masters in Power Systems Engineering. She serves in the capacity of General Manager, Software and is also a core member of top management group. She is an expert in application design and development with specialization in products for electrical power system domain. Her key strengths includes, project management, software release management, rapid application prototyping, PoCs for pre-sales / production, core algorithm development, user interface design, design and development of complex database, testing and certification for production release, team building and training.
General Manager, Utility, Power System Studies
Mr. Venkatesh H.R, heads Business development division of PRDC® as General Manager and is a core member of the top management group of the company. He has experience of over 14 years spread across the key business area of organization – power system consulting, solution design of hardware, software & embedded system solutions sales & marketing, customer relations and payment collection. His Masters in Power System Engineering has added more flavor to his career, apart from his wide knowledge and experience in power consultancy and software.
His career in PRDC® has given him extensive experience with in business development, product, consulting & solution selling, which has won recognition and accolades from customer & the management. He has extensively traveled across the globe for business development and technical discussions. He is supported with a panel of eminent senior consultants & technical goliaths’ and leads teams working for diverse clienteles globally. . He is one among the key contributors at PRDC® in winning business and steering the organization to achieve its goal.
Mr. Surendra Kumar Rout
Chief Operating Officer – Odisha Branch Office
Mr. Surendra Kumar Rout is the Chief Operations Officer, Odisha Branch office having 30 years of rich experience in General, Distribution &Transmission segments. Apart from his Masters in Power Systems & Control, he is a member of IEEEPES, and has couple of other credits like holding the Membership of illuminating Engineering Society of North America and a Certified Energy Manager from Bureau of Energy efficiency, Government of India. He is expertise in the distribution sector, energy audit, SCADA, Project execution & other fields of Power management.
Mr. Gurucharan Das
General Manager, Industrial, Power System Studies
T. Guru Charan Das with an Electrical Engineering degree began his career with a role in power plant operation and maintenance. Later he moved to Energy management cell, Business Process reengineering and other plant related projects. In his first 9 years of experience he gained insights into power generation, distribution and utilization in Cement plants, Fertilizer plants, PVC plants, Textile plants, Sugar plants, Distilleries and other chemical processes and industries.
In his 19 years of experience, he has involved in technical, commercial and project management aspects of the Power projects and was responsible for completion from concept to testing and commissioning. His areas of interests are Power Plant engineering, Energy management, Industrial plants and their related issues with Electrical Power Systems’ application and operation.
Advisory Team
Prof K. Parthasarathy
Dr. K. Parthasarthy obtained M.E.(Power Systems) in 1961 and Ph.D. degree (Protective Relays) in 1967 from Indian Institute of Science Bangalore. His areas of interest are Switchgear and Protection, Power System Dynamics and Control, Computer Aided Protection and Power System Analysis. He held various positions at IISc, Bangalore during 1961 – 1997. He served as Chairman, Department of Electrical Engineering IISc (1987-88).
He was Visiting Fellow at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK (1970-71). He was ABB chair professor (1996-1997). He is fellow of Indian national academy of Engineering. He has Over 200 publications in National & International journals He was Member, R&D Committee, CPRI and served as Vice Chairman, Protection Committee, CBIP, New Delhi. Presently, he holds the position of Chief Technical Advisor at PRDC®.
Dr. H. P. Khincha
Dr. H. P. Khincha received his B.E. degree in Electrical Engineering from Bangalore University in 1966. He received M.E. degree in 1968 and Ph.D. degree in 1973 both in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. From 1973 he has been with the Indian Institute of Science as faculty, where he served as a distinguished professor.
He was also the Vice Chancellor of Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum – one of the largest technical universities in India during 2007 – 2010. His research areas of experience Include: Power System Protection, Real Time Protection and Control Applications, Signal Processing Applications in Power Systems, Computer Applications to Power System Problems, Distribution Automation. He has been a guided research to Ph.D/MSc students and also has over 200 international and national publications.
Mr. Dinesh J Kagathi
Head -Renewables
Mr. Dinesh J Kagathi, a Mechanical Engineer with more than 25 years’ experience, focuses on renewable energy and clean technologies. Work experience has covered all aspects in the life cycle of renewable energy projects including opportunity identification and feasibility, viability assessment, project development, detailed engineering, project execution management and operations, Worked in the verticals of small hydro, biomass and solar energy, he has an excellent understanding of the technical issues and risk factors associated with each of these technologies. He also raised debt and equity capital for several projects and hence has a good understanding of evolving financial models and presenting the investment opportunities to debt and equity investors. Some of the projects were implemented for village communities, local businesses with significant investments from the electricity consumers. He has worked in developing and promoting clean technology products such as improved cook stoves and biomass gasifiers for households, non-formal business and industries. These opportunities helped in gaining skills related to product development and its sales to communities and businesses.

Dr. Ramakrishna Kappagantu
Dr. Ramakrishna Kappagantu possesses 33 years of rich experience in Indian power sector viz., NTPC and PGCIL. His experience includes development of first successful pilot project of Smart Grid at Puducherry, India and management of 50GW south Indian grid, its associated transmission system, real time operations, SCADA-EMS & power markets.
He also developed software for global energy accounting & settlement and scheduling & dispatch of ISGS, which was in successful use for 15 years. He has implemented ‘Availability Based Tariff’, ‘Indian Electricity Grid Code’ and’ Open Access Regulations’, besides engineering & development of first special static energy meter of 0.2S Class Accuracy in India.
He has publications in various international Journals & conferences; he is an invited speaker at many industries, academic, research and training institutes. His interests include power system operation & economics, energy accounting & audit, regulatory affairs, SCADA-EMS, smart grids and renewables.
With BE in electrical engineering from MNIT, Jaipur, he completed M.Tech (Automation & Control) from JNTU, Hyderabad. He has got advance diploma in management & human Resources and PhD in electrical engineering from NIT, Tiruchirapalli on Smart (GRID) Distribution Systems.
Dr. Ramakrishna Kappagantu is a versatile speaker and loves Indian classical music. He works for embedding human values in technology & management and strongly opines that values induction alone drives the technology growth for benefit of humanity.
He is Life Fellow and a Chartered Engineer of IEI. Currently as Senior Member of IEEE, he served IEEE from 1990 in various capacities including IEEE Board Director & Delegate in 2015-16 as Director of Region10 (Asia-Pacific). His relentless efforts for IEEE’s technical & humanitarian activities fetched him, 2010-IEEE Outstanding Volunteer Awards from Region10 & Bangalore Section, 2011-IEEE MGA Achievement, 2012-IEEE PES Bangalore Chapter Outstanding Engineer, 2014-IEEE MGA Innovation Awards and 2017 MGA Larry K Wilson Transnational Awards.